If you ever bring food to the beach and you want to keep it for yourself, you'd better keep it tightly closed up. Gulls are scavengers and always on the lookout for an easy meal. These gulls were quick to spot the opened tortilla chip bag on this untended picnic blanket.
Got one! |
Some of the gulls couldn't figure out how to reach the chips but were still very territorial. Mine! |
Gulls are always hanging out at the Don CeSar Hotel hoping to snag a meal. They especially like to sit on the beach umbrellas, which give them a perfect view of what the hotel guests are eating. If someone leaves even so much as a crumb behind, the gulls are quick to pounce on it.
Laughing Gulls waiting for hotel guests to drop some food. |
A Herring Gull inspects a beach chair for crumbs. |
Even Fish Crows get in on the act... |
I've seen gulls carrying the small containers of mustard or ketchup that come with the hot dogs or hamburgers at the hotel, trying to get them open. One gull flew up high, dropped the container, then flew down to see if it had come open.
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